Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Incident.

I wasn't going to blog about this, but I figured if I'm really trying to remember "events" in my life, then I really needed to!

I went to church yesterday and Michelle, Mireya, and I went to eat at Brixx. It was fabulous. On our way out I tripped over a curb and couldn't catch myself. Hannah was in front of me and as I was falling I sorta landed over/on top of her. She got a few scratches on her knee and hurt her hand, but other than that was okay. I, on the other hand, hit my nose on her head and instantly it started bleeding. Not like a drip, drip. It was more like a waterfall-and quite disgusting I might add. So I was sitting in the middle of the road, not able to move because my hands were trying to stop the bleeding. Hannah was freaking out because I was hurt. She wouldn't calm down at all. People were stopping and staring. Just a winner of a situation. I have no idea how long I was sitting there trying to get it to stop. A lady from Brixx was trying to help by bringing towels and cloths-and ice! She asked if we wanted to call EMS and I said no, that I wanted to see if it would stop bleeding. So after a few more minutes it's still not stopping so the lady calls EMS...(is that not ridiculous)...They told her to not let me move, which I didn't. And then....

about 30 seconds before they pull in, just as soon as it came on, my nose stops bleeding. They checked us out and said we were okay (right after getting my address and social security number for the bill) and I got up. We waited on my mom to get there and as we were sitting on the bench an old man trips....in the same spot. Apparently, it happens all the time.


dancing_lemur said...

Um, I believe you promised me pictures. But I'll wait until there's bruising, if you prefer.

Stephanie said...

I was thinking about it, and that's almost exactly what happened to me one time. Except it was at Olive Garden, and when I fell on my child, he was still in my belly. And a lady came and prayed over me. As my nose was bleeding all over the concrete. Ice and cloths would have been helpful too!

P.S. I am also interested in pictures!

Anonymous said...

I agree... pictures please!