Today, Me, Michelle, Marjorie, Hannah & Landon went to Red Robin for lunch. I discovered why Americans are so fat. Okay, so "discovered" isn't exactly the right word. I KNOW why we are all fat...but Red Robin really brought it home for me.
Every item on the menu is like 3 times the size it really needs to be. It's like a huge grease pit. It actually makes my stomach hurt just thinking about it. I, of course, ate too much...cause...well.... it's GOOD OKAY!
Anyway, as we were getting ready to walk out the door I looked around and EVERY SINGLE PERSON around me was a freakin FATTY! Eww, I don't wanna be like that anymore!
I will be going to Curves a lot this week.
A lot.
Separate Note... Look what Hannah just made me! (with moon sand)