Wednesday, April 16, 2008


A very special girl went to heaven on Monday...Kesha Fendley

Kesha struggled with cancer for about 3 years and finally passed away early Monday morning.

I'll miss her warm spirit.

Funeral service will be held Saturday at 4 pm at Frank's in Greenville, SC


dancing_lemur said...

That's so sad!

Stephanie said...

She was such a sweet young lady and the children loved her! She wil be missed.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that she was still struggling. Please give her family and friends my best. She was a very timid spirit and a sweet teacher to Lauren.

Anonymous said...

I did not even notice that Lauren is the child in the pic! I thought it was Jasmine's little sis (I forgot her name...oops!). I can't believe I didn't even recognize my own child! Bad mommy! Bad! :(